If you are in the market for property, THE ROSSON COMPANY has many beautiful properties at multiple cemetery locations. By coming to us, we can provide you with two very special advantages:
We have many CHOICE LOCATIONS in areas of local cemeteries no longer available for purchase. We do NOT sell cemetery inventory. We represent owners who want to resell their property. Since most cemeteries do NOT buy back property at the current selling price, we have the availability to provide you with properties they don’t even know are available. These sellers can often be individuals who have moved out of town, changed their minds, or just have extra property that they want to sell.
Another advantage provided by THE ROSSON COMPANY is LOWER PRICING! Since we represent owners, we can offer properties purchased many years ago when prices were significantly lower than they are today. We often save buyers discounts of up to 50% off current cemetery prices.
By choosing to arrange your memorial property through THE ROSSON COMPANY, you will have the opportunity to benefit by the very best locations at a substantial savings.